Iberoptics is the distributor in Spain and Portugal of the German manufacturer of scientific grade high-end cameras, PCO.
Depending on the application, Iberoptics, together with PCO, can offer the most suitable monochrome or color model: imaging with extremely low noise, high speed, high dynamic range, excellent quantum efficiency, high resolution, high sensitivity large view field, uv camera versions, NIR camera versions,...
PCO has three decades developing and manufacturing high-performance camera systems ensuring cutting edge sCMOS (scientific CMOS) and CCD technology for all PCO cameras.
Now, PCO can offer a very extended portfolio, allowing for greater adaptability in a variety of applications:
- High-end sCMOS cameras (pco.edge & pco.panda): brightfield, darkfield, confocal, widefield microscopy...
- Scientific CCD cameras: solar, Particle Imaging Velocimetry (PIV), ...
- High-speed cameras (pco.dimax): crash test, fluid dynamics, Particle Imaging Velocimety (PIV)...
- pco.flim System: Luminescence decay time microscopy camera
- Intensified cameras: Light Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), Particle Imaging Velocimetry (PIV), time resolved spectroscopy, combustion...