- Motorized positioning (Zaber Technologies): linear stages, vertical stages, rotatory stages, stepper motors, optical mounts goniometers, optical grippers, micromanipulators, vacuum stages, XY and XYZ motorized systems, microscope stages, controllers.
- Optomechanics (Qioptiq - Excelitas): cage systems, manual positioning, optical rail systems, mounts and holders, Kinematic mirror mounts, irises and apertures.
- Precision optics (Qioptiq - Excelitas): singlets, lens and achromats systems, laseroptics, machine vision solutions, micro-imaging, polarization optics, mirrors, thin film coatings, Faraday rotators, Pockels cells and laser modulators, prisms, neutral and spectral filters.
- Customized optical tables and breadboards (OPTA GmbH): rigid and antivibration legs, optical breadboards with different thicknesses, customized dimensions and designs.
- Optical filters (Alluxa): bandpass filters, ultra-narrow bandpass filters, fluorescence filter sets, Notch filters, dichroic filters.

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